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Taking risk seriously, seems like a very nice tactic to me for risk averse clients - playing them at their own game.

Michael Karnjanaprakorn

Jason - funny that you made a post about this b/c I use that analogy all the time. Often helps with non-traditional media options too. If you have 85% in safe media, why not use 15% to experiment with riskier options with higher returns? You can always say that your agency is like a hedge fund and that the clients shouldn't be investing in agencies that are similar to mutual funds.

Leland Maschmeyer

Hmmm..very interesting. I like this a lot. It seems a nice way to get alignment around what a campaign needs to do. More so, it's a nice way to force into discussion how much risk the client is willing to take on with the work - something i imagine would help an agency understand where the client's mind is.

Hope all the new business is going well.

john grant

Yes that's very interesting. I did a project with a wall st firm 5 years ago on the future of finance and it goes much deeper. You could for instance apply ideas like BRAND LIQUIDITY too.

I quite often advise clients in big companies to spend 80-90% of their budgets getting the bread and butter stuff done right, but to save 10-20% for the riskier, more out of the box experiments. It's an argument which seems to sit very well (certainly compared to telling them to revolutionise everything). and you can do a lot of good new stuff with 10-20%. now you've mentioned it, its exactly the sort of advice an investment advisor would use. :J

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