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Michael Takasaki

Tentatively, I'll say yes, but i t really depends how a few things pan out between now and then.

Michael Takasaki

Argh. Just found out I've got something from 8:30 that day. Sorry.

jennifer Morozowich

Hey Jason
I would love to come to one of your coffee mornings. This Friday is out though. I'll check back for the next one

Andrew Horberry

Can do, as long as it's 8.30 (I work for a company called Imagination, by the way, so feel a powerful attraction to your blog).


I will. It would be good to see you guys, I've been reading your blog for sometime now.. and recently heard good things about 7west, See yah!

Jason Oke

I'm going to have to cancel for tomorrow - sorry, something came up at the last minute today. We'll do it another time in the next few weeks. Sorry about this. But thanks for being interested.


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